Media as a Factor in Pre-School Gender Socialization
Journal Title: Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu - Year 2018, Vol 15, Issue
The article deals with the influence of mass media on the process of gender socialization of pre-schoolers. The author argues that one of the priorities in the modernization of the sociocultural sphere is to ensure information security of the individual. The technosphere creates new opportunities for human development: it affects consumers of media content in both positive and negative ways; in doing so, it has an impact society as a whole. The analysis focuses on the influence in which media affect the process of personality formation in preschoolers. A review of the literaturę indicates that mass media, despite their educational function, have a negative impact on the mental, social, spiritual and physical development of preschoolers. The author proposes a number of ways in which this negative impact of the media can be prevented.
Authors and Affiliations
Леся Карнаух, Оксана Авраменко
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