Mediacje w sprawach o zniesienie współwłasności nieruchomości
Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 30
For the purposes of mediation, the author divides the proceedings in cases for cancellation of joint ownership into three stages: 1st stage – the time before the transfer of ownership, 2nd stage – the very act of transfer of ownership, 3rd stage – the time after the transfer of ownership. According to the author, a mediation agreement does not transfer the ownership and achievement of the desired effect takes place by the conclusion of the court settlement under the conditions laid down in the mediation or through the conclusion of a notarial deed under the conditions also laid down in the mediation. Moreover, the implementation of a mediation agreement by the conclusion of a notarial deed gives additional benefits, for example the possibility of introducing mediation for the future by entering mediation clauses in notarial deeds by virtue of which the parties decide to resolve future disputes through mediation.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Kamieniecka
Moc obowiązująca zapisu na sąd polubowny w sytuacji wygaśnięcia, nieważności bądź nieistnienia stosunku prawnego (umowy głównej)
The effectiveness of arbitration clause in the event of the expiry, invalidity or non-existence of a legal relationship (the principal contract) The mutual relationship between the principal agreement and the arbitration...
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