Mediator w sporze zbiorowym – wymagania co do osoby mediatora, sposoby jego ustanawiania i wynagradzania

Journal Title: ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 44


The active role of a mediator has a major impact on the success of mediation. In Polish legal reality, the mediator should be an impartial person. Labor law establishes the principle mediator who is indicated by the competent minister in charge of labor, if the parties fail to agree on a collective within five days on the choice of a mediator. In some European countries it is set by the state or a private institution. Some European countries have introduced the principle that a mediator should regularly study. It is necessary in Poland to regulate requirements for a mediator in collective disputes.

Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Jarota


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How To Cite

Maciej Jarota (2018). Mediator w sporze zbiorowym – wymagania co do osoby mediatora, sposoby jego ustanawiania i wynagradzania. ADR. Arbitraż i Mediacja, 4(44), 23-34.