Mental health of homosexual and bisexual people – role of minority stress
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2012, Vol 46, Issue 4
The results of the researches show that the prevalence of emotional problems among homosexual persons is higher in comparison with the general population. However, homosexual orientation should not be treated as a reason for that, which is stressed by the greatest associations of mental health, basing on research. The question of the causes of increased prevalence of mental disorders among members of the sexual minorities remains without a clear answer. The theory of minority stress seems to be a very interesting explanation. It integrates a variety of risk factors, which may influence the stress level. In the article we try to explain this concept, hoping that it will be useful in understanding the situation of homosexual people.
Authors and Affiliations
Grzegorz Iniewicz, Bartosz Grabski, Magdalena Mijas
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