Meta-theorization in sociology: peculiarities, types and trends
Journal Title: Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue 2
Peculiarities, types and trends of sociologic meta-theorization in the structure of meta-research in sociology are analyzed in the paper. Sociologic meta-theory has been considered in the comparison context jointly with sociologic meta-method and meta-analysis of the data. Research cycles of the construction and testing of the theories of medium level and meta-theory in sociology have been compared. It is noted that meta-theories, as the universal conceptual prospects, are more integrative, abstract and generalized as compared with theories. Ideal types of social meta-theorization in terms of its goal – more extensive comprehension of the theory, producing of new theories, creating of new all-embracing theoretical prospects (meta-theories) and critical evaluation of other theories have been described. The author has revealed the character of the positivist, hermeneutic, critical and post-modernist meta-theoretical trends in sociology.
Authors and Affiliations
Valerii Pylypenko
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