Metamorphoses of the state educational policy in the context of globalizational processes
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5
One of the main problems during transformation of Ukrainian state is a modern educational policy. Author conducts a thorough analysis and examines the issues of contemporary, domestic, foreign and Ukrainian state education policy. Analyzing the concept of «state educational policy» highlights its formation, definition and characteristic features by many researchers who interpret the definition differently, it is caused by a variety of factors to be considered from different angles. Due to the different economic development of modern countries of the world, their state educational policy aimed at different elements of education systems and their development. The paper reviews the object, principles and purposes of educational policy; legislation, legislative and international legal acts on education, international and interstate agreements ratified by the supreme legislature and strategic documents of development of education on which it is based, and so on.
Authors and Affiliations
Olena Lanskykh
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