Methodological Issues of the System of Formation Informatical Readiness of Future Interpreters in Universities

Journal Title: Педагогічний дискурс - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 16


The relevance of the article is characterized by the current needs of information society in the preparation of informative competent professionals, particularly in the field of translation. The article considers the scientific, social and educational views on the formation of informative readiness of future interpreters in higher education. The problem of using of information technologies in teaching is analyzed. Methodological issues of the system of formation informatical readiness of future interpreters in universities are considered. The necessity of future translators using information and communication technologies in the system of professional education, forming of their informative readiness are analyzed.

Authors and Affiliations

Yevhen Dolynskyi


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How To Cite

Yevhen Dolynskyi (2014). Methodological Issues of the System of Formation Informatical Readiness of Future Interpreters in Universities. Педагогічний дискурс, 0(16), 51-54.