Методичні орієнтири застосування ІКТ у викладанні сучасного вокалу у дитячих школах мистецтв


The article states that the reform of contemporary vocal education based on the principles of civilization integration of different, sometimes quite distant from each other, musical cultures, traditions and practices on the one hand, and the necessity for free access to the world vocal-performing and vocal-pedagogical experience on the other. In this regard, information and communication technologies (ICT) are becoming one of the most effective components of the educational process in primary specialized artistic educational institutions in the context of non-classical contemporary vocal. In the article, this issue is considered from the attitude of activity and culture appropriate approaches to learning. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources on contemporary vocal pedagogy in the context of the use of ICT, the following methods and their respective means are separated: the methods of familiarization (3D technology, animation technology, audiovisual ICT); methods of work on vocal techniques (audio, visual and audiovisual ICT, computer, synthesizers, dictaphone, etc.); methods of work on the features of musical language and improvisation (audio, visual and audiovisual ICT, computer, video content, synthesizers, iReal-Pro, etc.); methods of preparing vocal repertoire (software for downloading, editing and storing information, notes and audio editors, etc.); methods of preparation and implementation of public performance (3D technology, animation technology, graphic and audio editors, video camera, voice recorder, dictaphone, video content, computer, mobile devices, etc.); methods of communication (computer, mobile devices, e-mail, instant messaging technology, social networks, messengers, video and audio conferencing systems, Internet, etc.), monitoring methods (video camera, dictaphone, memory cards and storage devices, etc.) The conclusions state that the methodological findings regarding the use of ICT in teaching of contemporary vocal are fragmented and do not constitute systematic methodological knowledge, what actualizes the problem of further research on the use of ICT and protection from artificial intelligence threats in the process of formation a contemporary non-classical vocal-performing thesaurus at pupils of specialized art educational institutions and institutions of non-formal art education.

Authors and Affiliations

Тетяна Кулага


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  • EP ID EP478957
  • DOI 10.32919/uesit.2018.04.02
  • Views 112
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How To Cite

Тетяна Кулага (2018). Методичні орієнтири застосування ІКТ у викладанні сучасного вокалу у дитячих школах мистецтв. Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology, 6(4), 19-36. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-478957