Методика повышения точности учета и функции защиты информации автоматизированной системы коммерческого учета природного газа угольных месторождений (АСУ ПГ)

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


THE METHOD OF INCREASING THE ACCURACY OF ACCOUNTING AND THE INFORMATION PROTECTION FUNCTION OF THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING OF NATURAL GAS FROM COAL DEPOSITS (ACS PG) Stasevich R.K. Abstract According to the results of the IHTM researches of the NASU of 2017, the gas reserves of coal deposits in Donbass exceed 3 trillion m3. This is one of the foundations of Ukraine's energy independence. IGTM NASU works out the developed scientific and technical foundations for the extraction, transportation and utilization of gases from coal deposits with the help of coal-mining cogeneration power complexes. The construction of such complexes will ensure the reliability of electricity and heat supply to coal-mining enterprises, as well as adjacent residential areas and enterprises. At the same time, the consumption of imported natural gas will be substantially reduced by replacing it with mine methane in heating gas boiler houses and there will be no need to purchase electricity from the mine. To solve the above-mentioned urgent problems, it will be necessary to create a single information and control complex for underground and surface gas extraction of coal deposits and shchakht, their transportation and disposal in real time. Therefore, the scientific and technical problems of increasing the accuracy of technological and commercial accounting for the gases of coal deposits and mines during its extraction, transportation and utilization are topical. The aim of the work is to improve the accuracy of measuring and accounting for gas costs of a single dynamic technological process of degassing, transporting, disposing and supplying them to the gas transportation system of Ukraine. Flowmeters for differential pressure on narrowing devices remain the most acceptable for accounting for methane consumption of coal deposits for the following reasons:  proven reliability with proper installation and application;  excellent reproducibility of measurement results;  the possibility of metrological certifications without the use of exemplary high-precision wind tunnels;  ease of detection of faults and errors in measurements;  world-wide industrial metrological standards, as well as theoretical and empirical dependencies;  the cost of measuring instruments depends little on the diameter of the pipeline for gaseous and liquid media. The results of research and development of a method for increasing the accuracy of commercial gas metering with diaphragm flow devices are described by dividing the entire gas flow measurement range into three sub-ranges. The description of the device, information support and protection functions from unauthorized adjustment of the information of the automated system for commercial accounting of natural gas and a structural solution for its application at compressor stations for gas preparation of coal deposits for transportation to consumers through the gas transportation system of Ukraine are described. Conclusions 1. A technique has been developed to increase the accuracy of commercial accounting for natural gas from coal deposits, which consists of dividing the entire range of gas flow measurements into 3 sub-ranges used to create an automated gas metering device based on the measuring complex "DIA" 2. The structure, the principle of operation, the method for calculating the consumption of natural gases and gases of coal deposits, and industrial tests of the ASU PG at gas distribution station No. 2 in Dnprodzerzhinsk have been developed. 3. New functions of automated systems for commercial accounting of natural gas and coal gas gases are required to provide reliable information in the event of mutual settlements between suppliers and consumers and to protect it against unauthorized adjustments. The method of increasing the accuracy of accounting and the information protection function of the automated system for the commercial accounting of natural gas from coal deposits are designed for information management complexes for the surface extraction of these gases, for their transportation and utilization, as well as for automated systems for the commercial recording of these gases when supplied to the gas transportation system of Ukraine . References [1] "The rules for the submission of natural gas in the People's State of Ukraine and the normative materials for effective natural gas". [2] The program and methodology of the State metrological certification of devices for automated metering of natural gas consumption based on the MEASUREMENT "DIA" COMPLEX (PMA 081 / 24.021-97) [3] DBN В.2.5-20-2001 "Gas supply". [4] DNAPP 0.00-1.20-98 "Safety rules for gas supply systems in Ukraine". [5] The procedure for admission to the gas transmission system of NAK Naftogaz of Ukraine (Order No. 79 of 26.03.01).

Authors and Affiliations

Р. К. Стасевич


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How To Cite

Р. К. Стасевич (2017). Методика повышения точности учета и функции защиты информации автоматизированной системы коммерческого учета природного газа угольных месторождений (АСУ ПГ). Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 16-22. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277095