Моделирование выпуска расплава из конвертера с применением метода диаграмм связей
Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2
MODELING MELT OUTPUT FROM THE CONVERTER USING BOND DIAGRAM METHOD Pohvality A.A., Sigarev E.N., Kulik A.D., Poletaev V.P. Abstract A technique for obtaining analytical models using link diagrams is proposed. The code chart is constructed taking into account the principle decomposition, i.e. the dismemberment of the investigated object into separate elements, indicating the type connections between them. Using the technique and the method connection diagrams, a mathematical model hydrodynamics liquid phase flow in the system "liquid bath of the converter - steel channel" has been developed. Limitations and assumptions used in constructing the model: the liquid medium in the model and the steel-outlet channel the 260-ton oxygen converter is represented as an object with lumped parameters; the hydro- and mechanical side processes flow liquid phase from the steel outlet channel is considered under isothermal conditions; volumetric flow and pressure through the cross sections channel are represented by the averaged values in the fields flow velocities and pressure. A module functional fluid dynamics hydrodynamics operator, developed in the Mathcad shell, is developed. The results of simulation of the melt discharge of steel from an oxygen converter to a steel-ladle using the method bond diagrams are presented. The proposed model makes it possible to evaluate the effect geometric parameters outlet channel on the duration smelting during course converter's campaign along the lining. Since the flow liquid phase has an unsteady nature due to the relatively short length of the steel outlet channel, the total coefficient local resistance was determined empirically. For a one-chamber tap, the coefficient local resistance is 0.96-1.05, for a two-chamber resistance it is 0.50-0.65, respectively. When the neutral gas is supplied to the cavity tap with the aim realizing the carbon deoxidation of steel, this coefficient is in the range 0.80-1.25 and depends on the geometric parameters outlet channel. Based on the results simulation, it was found that a decrease in the thickness lining the oxygen converter and, correspondingly, the length discharge channel, leads to an increase in the duration of melt release from the unit after the melting is completed. At the same time, during the taping campaign, its internal diameter increases, which leads to a reduction in the length release. The information obtained as a result of numerical experiments can be used to solve problems developing and improving new designs converter's steel outlet assembly. References [1] Kulik A.D., Kasheev M.A., Pohvality A.A. Sovershenstvovanie vipuska stali iz konvertera [Improvement of steel output from the converter]. Metallurgicheskaya I gornorudnaya promishlennost - Metallurgical and mining industry, 2013, no. 1, pp. 18-20. (in Russian). [2] Tuchin V.T., Kulik A.D., Ogurtsov A.P. Metod diagram svyazi pri modelirovanii gidrodinamiki vipuska metalla iz konvertera. Osobennosty postroenia topologicheskih structur svyazi I aktualnost primeneniya ih v metallurgii [Method of communication diagrams in modeling the hydrodynamics of the release of metal from the converter. Features of the construction of topological communication structures and the relevance of their application in metallurgy]. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie - Math modeling, 2013, no. 2(29), pp. 91-95. (in Russian). [3] Ogurtsov A.P., Kulik A.D., Pohvality A.A. [Influence of geometrical parameters of the converter on the melting process]. Trudy 25 Mezhdunarodna nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya “Innovatsionniy potentsial mirovoy nauki – XXI stoletie” [25 International scientific and practical conference "Innovation Potential of the Science of Science - ХХІ century”]. Zaporozhie, 2014, pp. 85-90. (in Ukraine). [4] Pohvality A.A., Ogurtsov A.P., Kulik A.D. [Improvement of the output of steel from the converter. Double chamber pilot]. Trudy XIII kongressa staleplavilshikov [Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of Steel Makers]. Moskow, 2014, pp. 105-108. (in Russian). [5] Pohvality A.A., Kulik A.D., Sigarev E.N. Visokotemperaturnoe modelirovanie vipuska plavky iz konvertera s podachey argona v polost letky [High-temperature modeling of the output of melting from the converter with the supply of argon to the cavity of the taphole] Metallurgicheskaya I gornorudnaya promishlennost - Metallurgical and mining industry, 2016, no. 2, pp. 52-57. (in Russian). [6] Kafarov V.V., Dorohov I.N. Systemniy analiz protsessov himicheskoy tehnologii. Topologicheskiy printsip formalizatsii. [System analysis of the processes of chemical technology. The topological principle of formalization], Moskow: Nauka, 1979, 394 p. (in Russian).
Authors and Affiliations
А. А. Похвалитый, Е. Н. Сигарев, А. Д. Кулик, В. П. Полетаев
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