Компьютерное моделирование теплового состояния системы "гарнисаж-футеровка" с учетом неравномерности ее толщины

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


COMPUTER MODELING OF THE THERMAL STATE OF THE SYSTEM "SLAG SKULL-LINING" TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE UNEVENNESS OF ITS THICKNESS Sigarev E.N., Sokol A.N., Nedbailo N.N. Abstract Formulation of the problem The development of economically substantiated and improved ways to increase the durability of the of oxygen converters, including using the technology of blowing the final slag onto the lining, involves the consideration of the thermal conditions of the "slag skull-lining" system. Analysis of recent research and publications In recent decades, the converter steel production in Ukraine and abroad is characterized by a significant increase in the resistance of the lining of aggregates while reducing the cost of refractories [1, 2]. Formulation of research objectives The aim of the work is numerically study the thermal state of the "slag skull-lining" system of the oxygen converter, taking into account the unevenness of its thickness and the formation dynamics of the slag skull. The base of the mathematical model used the model presented in [8, 9]. Presenting main material The equation of the mathematical model was solved by the method of finite differences on a uniform chess grid in cylindrical coordinates. In numerical experiments it was established that for large lining thicknesses the temperature near the converter casing remains unchanged — the heat-insulating properties of the lining, caused by its low thermal conductivity, are affected. As the thickness of the lining decreases, the heat sink into the environment increases, the lining temperature near the converter casing increases. The temperature of the slag layer in the contact zone with the lining decreases, which ensures the conditions for the crystallization of the slag and the formation of the skull. Thus, it can be concluded that the effect of local cooling of the converter casing (and the appropriateness of using forced heat sink means) with decreasing lining thickness is enhanced. This corresponds to the results of modeling [9] and the scanning image of the converter working space, and also agrees well with the results obtained in [7]. Conclusions and prospects for further research As a result of the numerical simulation of the thermal state of the "slag skull-lining" system, the assumptions about the efficiency of local cooling organization (on the side of the converter casing) are confirmed. References [1] Sovremennaya futerovka dlya krupnyh kislorodnyh konverterov / A.A. Serdyukov, A.F. Tonkushin, A.N. Smirnov // Metall i lit'e Ukrainy. – 2010. – № 9-10. – S. 4–7. [2] Modelirovanie ehlementov processa naneseniya gar-nisazhnogo pokrytiya na rabochij sloj futerovki konvertera / A.N. Smirnov, K.N. SHarandin, A.YU. Lizun // Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. CHernaya metallurgiya. – №11, 2012. – S. 43–48 [3] Osobennosti gidrogazodinamiki razduvki shlakovoj vanny dvuh"yarusnoj furmoj / E.N. Sigarev, A.G. CHernyatevich, N.N. Nedbajlo // Zbіrnik naukovih prac' Dnіprodzerzhins'kogo tekhnіchnogo unіversitetu: (tekhnіchnі nauki) - Dnіprodzerzhins'k: DDTU. – Vip. 3(23). – 2013. – S. 13–21. [4] Gidrogazodinamicheskie zakonomernosti naneseniya shlakovogo garnisazha na futerovku konvertera / A.G. CHernyatevich, E.N. Sigarev, E.A. CHubina // Me-tally i lit'e Ukrainy. – 2005. – №3-4. – S.45–47. [5] Matematichna model' gіdrodinamіki procesu produv-ki shlakovoї vanni u porozhninі konvertera / A.G. CHernyatevich, O.S. Samohvalov, Є.M. Sіgar'ov, O.A. CHubіna // Matematichne modelyuvannya. – 2005. – №1(13) – S.76–78. [6] Processy teploobmena v usloviyah naneseniya shla-kovogo garnisazha i fakel'nogo torkretirovaniya fu- terovki konverterov. Matematicheskaya model' / E.V. Protopopov, A.G. CHernyatevich, V.V. Sokolov, O.S. Samohvalov, E.A. CHubina // Izvestiya VUZov : CHernaya metalurgiya. – 2004. – №10. – S.8–13. [7] Dinamika teplovogo sostoyaniya futerovki i shlako-vogo garnisazha pri razduvke konechnogo shlaka v ki- slorodnom konvertere / R.V. Lisnyak, I.S. Dolgopolov, E.N. Sigarev, E.S. Kosuhina, V.T. Tuchin // Tekhnіchna teplofіzika ta promislova teploenergetika: zbіrnik naukovih prac'. – Vipusk 4. – Dnіpropetrovs'k : Nova іdeologіya, 2012. – S. 156–165. [8] Modelyuvannya nanesennya shlakovogo garnіsazhu z me-toyu optimіzacії procesіv garyachogo remontu fu- terіvki konvertera / Sіgar'ov Є.M., CHernyatevich A.G., Sokol A.M. // Matematichne modelyuvannya, 2011. – Dnіprodzerzhins'k : DDTU, № 2(25). – S. 116–119. [9] Komp"yuternoe modelirovanie naneseniya shlakovogo garnisazha na futerovku konvertera pri izmenenii polozheniya furmy / E.N. Sigaryov, A.N. Sokol, N.N. Nedbajlo // Matematichne modelyuvannya, 2015. – Dnіprodzerzhins'k : DDTU, № 1(32). – S. 56–59.

Authors and Affiliations

Е. Н. Сигарев, А. Н. Сокол, Н. Н. Недбайло


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How To Cite

Е. Н. Сигарев, А. Н. Сокол, Н. Н. Недбайло (2016). Компьютерное моделирование теплового состояния системы "гарнисаж-футеровка" с учетом неравномерности ее толщины. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 70-73.