Оптимізація режимних параметрів процесу різання зношених пневматичних шин, вибір оптимального матеріалу та геометричних параметрів ріжучого інструменту при визначених умовах

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


OPTIMIZATION OF OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS OF THE CUTTING PROCESS OF WORN PNEUMATIC TIRES, CHOOSING THE OPTIMAL MATERIAL AND GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF CUTTING TOOLS UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS Sokolov A.D., Korobochka A.N., Sasov A.A. Abstract The main problems facing the industry in the process of waste management for their safe disposal and recycling in the economy is the high cost of equipment of production line and complexity of the recycling technological process. The structure of the process of recycling of worn pneumatic tires included preliminary stage crushing, which is divided into two operations: cutting in half along the tire treadmill and cut bead rings. To make the process of cutting pneumatic tires most energy efficient and durable cutting tools necessary to be optimized for all factors affecting the cutting process such as a set of geometric parameters and material cutting tools, processing which will be performed with certain operational parameters. The purpose of this work is optimization of operational parameters of the machining of worn pneumatic tires; geometric parameters of cutting tools; determining the optimal cutting tool material. In the process of this research, based on the mathematical model [1] with subsequent corrections, graphically and computational methods using Microsoft Excel 2013, in three stages (the first one: optimization of spindle speed - n for different feeds - S; second: optimization front angle - γ for different hardness values, optimization of the angle at the vertex - ε for different hardness values, optimization of the rear angle - α for different hardness values, third: analysis and comparison of the optimal parameters ) for different values of the hardness of the cutting tool) have been optimized parameters of the cutting process for worn-out Bridgestone kart tires with a size of 7.1/11.0-5 with a cutting tool of hardnesses HRA 38, HRA 64, HRA 77, HRA 90, HRA 144; The optimal material of the cutting tool and its geometric parameters for the given conditions (structural and strength properties of Bridgestone 7.1/11.0-5 tires) are determined. Certain optimal parameters should ensure minimization of cutting forces and energy costs within the selected conditions. References [1] Sokolov A.D. Otrimannya matematichnoyi modeli formuvannya sil rizannya pri rozrizanni navpil znoshenih avtomobilnih shin: stattya / Sasov O.O., Aver`yanov V.S., Korzhavin Yu.A., Sokolov A.D. // Zbirnik naukovih prats «Perspektivni tehnologiyi ta priladi»// Lutskiy NTU, 2017, in press. [2] Pererabotka othodov, source – https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pererabotka_othodov [3] Grubyy S.V. «Optimizatsiya protsessa mehanicheskoy obrabotki i upravlenie rezhimnymi parametrami» – M. Mashinostroenie. 2014. 422 s. [4] Pestretsov S.I. «Kompyuternoe modelirovanie i optimizatsiya protsessov rezaniya» - Uch. posobie dlya vuzov – M. Mashinostroenie. 2008. 342 s. [5] Tarovik A.B. Optimizatsiya rezhimov rezaniya pri obrabotke tonkostennyh tsilindricheskih izdeliy: stattya/ Tarovik A.B., Mihaylov A.N.// Zbirnik naukovih prats «Progresivni tehnologiyi i sistemi mashinobuduvannya»//m. Donetsk cherven 2014 r.: Donetskiy NTU, 2014. №3(49)-4(50). [6] Rozrahunok rezhimiv rizannya pri tochinni analitichnim metodom. - source: http://ybulyha.vk.vntu.edu.ua/file/TR/0936c993a0e15107fecdae7fc94cac14.pdf

Authors and Affiliations

А. Д. Соколов, О. М. Коробочка, О. О. Сасов


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How To Cite

А. Д. Соколов, О. М. Коробочка, О. О. Сасов (2016). Оптимізація режимних параметрів процесу різання зношених пневматичних шин, вибір оптимального матеріалу та геометричних параметрів ріжучого інструменту при визначених умовах. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 53-56. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277236