Microscopically-measured evaluation of dead skin and mucosa destruction produced by carbon dioxide laser– animal model-based investigation
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2010, Vol 63, Issue 11
Aim of the study: To assess histopathological effects of carbon dioxide laser pulse of varying power on soft tissues.Material and methods: The study was carried out on pig heads obtained from planned slaughter. Laser Azuryt CTL 1401 was used at energies of 5, 10, 15 W per pulse emitted from two distances (1.5 and 7 cm). After the exposure skin and mucosa were excised and put into formalin. The same procedure was performed after infiltrationofbothsofttissueswith 2% lidocaine. Samples were preserved in 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin,sectionedandstained with H.E. and examined under the light microscope at x40 magnification.Threeparameterswere evaluated in each case: depth and diameter of actual tissue defects and the character of pathology in their proximity.Results: As the intensity of laser increased, histopathological changes were proportionally deeper and more extensive.Conclusions: Diminished distance between laser source and tissue resulted in deeper tissue penetration and shorter diameter of the defect.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Franczyk, Mikołaj Kosek, Anna Wanyura, Zygmunt Stopa, Ewa Walczak, Monika Prochorec-Sobieszek
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