Międzykulturowość w praktyce przekładowej a „między‑ kulturowość” w translatologii
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 1
polish translation of article by Anna Muszyńska Vizintin This article tries to articulate the “gap” between the serious implementation of the phenomenon of interculturality in (literary) translational practice and its naive comprehension in the formal theory. The formal theory does widely deal with cultural differences, yet it estimates them linearly, as factors standing outside translation equivalence, i.e. as its equivalence under‑ mines correctives only. I try to prove in my article which is based upon 11 examples taken from my translation practice that the inventive use of so‑called “cultural equivalents” may primarily increase so‑called “translation equivalence” and not the opposite. Translation equivalence is namely to be understood as a trichotomy complex of semantics, aesthetics and pragmatics. The three categories dynamically oscillate in that the decrease of one of them in the quality translation should be suitably compensated by an increase of one (or two) of the other two. Their “sum total” however should permanently result in a high equivalence level
Authors and Affiliations
Štefan Vevar
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