Toneta Pretnarja prevod sonetov Jana Nepomucena Kamińskega
Journal Title: Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich - Year 2016, Vol 7, Issue 1
Jan Nepomucen Kamiński was, in the first half of the nineteenth century, an important figure in the Polish cultural life in Lvov. He is, however, lesser known as a poet. Tone Pretnar’s de‑ cision to translate fourteen of Kamiński’s sonnets into Slovene arose primarily due to his personal links with Matija Čop. His translations are probably aesthetically more powerful than the original; they are marked by the subtle and refined use of elements of the language of France Prešeren, whereby the translator succeeds in instilling into his rendering in the Slovenian language a sense of the era and the meta‑literary environment in which the sonnets in their original form came into being
Authors and Affiliations
Andrej Šurla
Międzykulturowość w praktyce przekładowej a „między‑ kulturowość” w translatologii
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