Міграційні процеси в ЄС як імператив космополітизму в теорії другого модерну Е.Гідденса


The article analyzes migration processes in the European Union as an imperative of cosmopolitan-ism in the theory of the Second Modern by E. Giddens. It is established that when assessing migration processes in the context of the crisis of the policy of European multiculturalism, the scientist, as a rep-resentative of the theory of the Second Modern, proves that they coincided with deeper transfor-mations in the system of political relations and political communication. A system of Giddens's argu-ments has been defined in favor of the thesis that migration in European societies of the Second Mod-ern is not so much a local or regional issue as a result and a means of globalization. An important ele-ment in the theory of the Second Modern E. Giddens is the characterization of migration through the reference to the concept of “diaspora”, which exist today in the form of not only physical but also vir-tual communities, which are often characterized by a higher degree of self-awareness than before. E. Giddens argues that the European rethinking of the essence of migration processes occurs in the con-text of the crisis of the paradigm of multiculturalism. In the societies of the Second Modern, the politi-cal risks caused by the system of migration - globalization, arise when individual groups of society are treated as “isolated and another’s” or when they refer to themselves as such.

Authors and Affiliations

Kateryna Mykhailytsia


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Kateryna Mykhailytsia (2016). Міграційні процеси в ЄС як імператив космополітизму в теорії другого модерну Е.Гідденса. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 33(), 284-291. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-203561