Milestones of administrative activity of head leader of education institution

Journal Title: ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 9


The article analyzes the specific features of the management of educational system, reveals the essence of leadership as a new management paradigm, which provides for the implementation of such a model of management of educational institutions, in which tight control and direct intervention in the educational process of inferior place flexibility, consultation mechanisms of management and self-government. The main milestones of administrative activity head leader of the institution are considered: the creation of conditions for values and personal interaction, which is characterized by the definition and adoption of agreed common values and mutual interpenetration of the humanistic value orientations of coexistence, the possibility of self-realization of each; facilitation maintenance, which enables the creation of director-facilitator the conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of employees, support the process of building the trajectory of their professional and personal development to achieve the highest results in the professional activity, resistance at talent, creativity and initiative as the most important resource of the success of the organization, in particular, and administrative; reflexivity management activity, which means that the result of the interaction between the manager and managed is expressed in the fact that the latter have developed the ability to control their activities and is characterized by the direction on the implementation of the basic functions of the teacher is to stimulate the development of each individual, delegation of many powers and responsibilities for the results of the training and labour participants of the educational process. It is concluded that certain guidelines stipulate creating favorable conditions for the management of the institution on the basis of leadership

Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Drach


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  • EP ID EP647460
  • DOI 10.15587/2519-4984.2016.78444
  • Views 172
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How To Cite

Iryna Drach (2016). Milestones of administrative activity of head leader of education institution. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 0(9), 25-29.