Mixed type gastic volvulus and ıts laparoscopic management
Journal Title: Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 32, Issue 2
Although gastric volvulus is a rarely occurring and life-threatening entity, it is difficult to diagnose. As this disease may progress with non-specific abdominal symptoms, its diagnosis may be delayed or overlooked. It should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of the patients presenting with complaints of epigastric pain, retching, vomiting and weight loss accompanied by distension. Of the radiological imaging modalities, chest x-ray and thoracoabdominal computerized tomography may be useful for the diagnosis. Right now accepted modes of treatment for gastric volvulus secondary to paraesophageal hernia are minimally invasive techniques. In the present article, we aimed to present a 65-year-old male with mixed type gastric volvulus, a quite rare type of volvulus.
Authors and Affiliations
Ferhat ÇAY, Mustafa GİRGİN
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