Fredreric Jackson Turner’s seminal essay on the significance of frontier in American culture interestingly posits the development of railways as extension of the buffalo trail. The presentation of his ideas in 1893 not o...
Ethnography of a porcelain factory is one of the main components of a research project called “People from the porcelain factory”. The project is carried out in the porcelain factory in Ćmielów, Poland, owned by PolskieF...
Alcoholism is often seen in the world of film productions. It is also often depicted in Polish films. The article presents the film images of alcoholics in movies: Pętla (1957) by Wojciech Jerzy Has, Wszyscy jesteśmy Chr...
The paper focuses on the category of resilience as it refers to the capacity of socio-political systems to withstand stress or to adapt to it. Invoking resilience enables a multifaceted reading of the TV series Homeland...
Małgorzata Roeske (2014). Moda czy nostalgia? O tym, jak PRL funkcjonuje w wyobraźni społecznej
współczesnych Polaków. Kultura Popularna, 2(40),
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A Home on the Range and the (Near) Extinction of the American Bison
Fredreric Jackson Turner’s seminal essay on the significance of frontier in American culture interestingly posits the development of railways as extension of the buffalo trail. The presentation of his ideas in 1893 not o...
Sprawczość w fabryce porcelany
Ethnography of a porcelain factory is one of the main components of a research project called “People from the porcelain factory”. The project is carried out in the porcelain factory in Ćmielów, Poland, owned by PolskieF...
Libacje, biby, chlanie. Alkoholowe odmęty polskiego kina fabularnego. Zarys problematyki
Alcoholism is often seen in the world of film productions. It is also often depicted in Polish films. The article presents the film images of alcoholics in movies: Pętla (1957) by Wojciech Jerzy Has, Wszyscy jesteśmy Chr...
Homeland and Resilience: Immunitas, Katechon, the Uncanny, and Trauma’s Displacement
The paper focuses on the category of resilience as it refers to the capacity of socio-political systems to withstand stress or to adapt to it. Invoking resilience enables a multifaceted reading of the TV series Homeland...
Naukowiec czy artysta? Polskie interpretacje poglądów Marshalla McLuhana