Modification of artificial stone for the production of energy-efficient wall products on the basis of the gypsum binder
Journal Title: Вісник Одеської державної академії будівництва та архітектури - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 72
The basis of the research was to develop a chemical solution for the hydrophobization of artificial gypsum stone for the manufacture of wall products of increased water resistance, strength, frost resistance, durability. The article presents the results of studies on the modification of artificial gypsum stone by a hydrophobic chemical solution based on calcium polysulphide and titanium dioxide. The comparative indices of water absorption of the initial and impregnated samples of solutions subjected to the frontal influence of water, water absorption of modified samples are in the range of 9 ... 21%, and do not change after the front impact of the rain, that is, the solution is not washed out of the structure of products. Indicators of chemical stability of impregnated specimens were determined in solutions of magnesium sulfate, urea, acetic and oxalic acids, which are the most characteristic components of aggressive media in livestock and agricultural complex, transport construction. The results of test samples after six months of containment in these environments showed that the developed chemical solution can provide a chemical stability coefficient of 0.7, that is, they are chemically stable in such media. It is shown that hydrophobization by developed chemical solution, depending on the number of applied layers or time of impregnation, has high coefficients of softening of products, which is in the range of 0.6 ... 0.82. It was also found that the solution has a high penetrating ability and the depth of the solution penetration into the structure of the sample depends on the number of coating layers. The results of research have shown that due to the developed hydrophobic chemical solution based on calcium polysulfide and titanium dioxide, the performance of artificial gypsum stone is improved, such products can be used both indoors and externally.
Authors and Affiliations
O. V. , Drozdova, Y. G. , Gasan
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