Modigliani Franco - przykłady wkładu w analizę finansowania gospodarstw domowych oraz przedsiębiorstw
Journal Title: Studia Ekonomiczne, Prawne i Administracyjne - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 2
The aim of this study is to present the key aspects of the achievements of one of the big winners of the Nobel Prize - Franco Modigliani, such as intertemporal consumption in the analysis of consumption and household savings, depending on the oscillation of the consumer market translate into producers and the underlying assumptions statements regarding corporate finance. The work was created based on a literature review of works by Nobel Prize winner and his associates. The text presented have also been examples of attempts to acknowledge and falsification of theories and economic models Modigliani by other researchers, and the discussion of a confirmation of curiosity and materiality considerations described by the Nobel laureate in economics in 1985. (original abstract)
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Celejewska
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