Morbidity and Mortality Pattern in T2DM in and around Jabalpur city of Madhya Pradesh
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 6
Abstract: Individuals living with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are prone to different types of complications which become one of the reasons for the early death. The aims of the study are to analyze the pattern of morbidity in terms of micro and macrovascular complications and mortality among T2DM patients in and around Jabalpur. Total 491 T2DM patients were studied at Diabetes Education and Care Clinic, Jabalpur for 1 year. All included patients were screened for retinopathy using fundus examination, nephropathy using serum creatinine and proteinuria test, neuropathy using monofilament and biothesiometer, peripheral vascular disease was assessed using colour doppler and ECG was used for the assessment of cardiovascular disease. There was a male predominance with mean age of 46.23±2.34 years. Among morbidity, prevalence of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy was 28.63%, 16.70% and 58.23% respectively. Prevalence of cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease and ischemic heart disease was 25.53%, 23.62% and 18.85% respectively. Mortality rate was 1.6% as during the study period 8 patients died. The present study has revealed a high prevalence of morbidity in terms of micro and macrovascular complication. Neuropathy was the most common microvascular complication whereas among macrovascular complication cerebrovascular disease was most common. Keywords:morbidity, mortality, type 2 diabetes mellitus, microvascular, macrovascular
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Hakam Singh Patel, Ambrish Singh
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