Motherhood and its influence on the health of women in Greek villages of the North Azov Sea region (the second half of the XIX - early XX century).
Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 10
In the article on a wide range of record documents and materials of press and sources of personal origin was considered a motherhood and its influence on the health of women in Greek villages of Northern Azov. It is shown that pregnancy and childbirth was always accompanied by various prejudices and number of injunctions, not following, woman could harm to the unborn baby. It was found that women hadn 't given a birth in hospitals, but at home, using the services of midwives. On average, on one hundred cases of births Greek girl turned for help of midwives from two to eight times. It is determined that on the ninth day after birth (and in the case of illness woman - later) a doula organized and conducted washing mothers that differently affected the well-being of women, sometimes contributed to the rapid recuperation, sometimes vice versa. It is determined the conditions of Greek girls' life, as a result of which they suffered from postnatal illness. It is indicated that women rarely applied with their sexual diseases to the doctor because of shyness and because many diseases due to slow and painless flow, didn 't force the patients to seek of medical care. It is given the list of the most common gynecological operations which are conducted for women doctors in zemstvo. It is considered a problem of abortion in the daily life of women, analyzed the reasons that pushed the people of fair sex on this step, pointed out the prices of clandestine abortions.
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Arabadzhy
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