Folklore phraseology was a inexhaustible source of linguistic measures for Ivan Kotliarevsky,
as it allowed him to build humorous and satirical effects through introducing into his literary works
colloquial, dialectal an...
The paper discusses Karol Potkański’s study of Russia called Constantine and Methodius (1905) with reference to Tadeusz Nalepiński’s work The Spirit King of Russian. He’s coming!,Władysław Jabłonowski’s Around the Sphinx...
Maksim Harecki introduced the subject of war to Belarusian literature. This story, analysed broadly, shows the consequences of the war for each party in the conflict. This is seen in the construction of the story, based...
Ukraińskie frazeologizmy w polskim przekładzie Piotra Kuprysia Eneidy Iwana Kotlarewskiego
Folklore phraseology was a inexhaustible source of linguistic measures for Ivan Kotliarevsky, as it allowed him to build humorous and satirical effects through introducing into his literary works colloquial, dialectal an...
"Комедия в русской драматургии конца XX - начала XXI века", Светлана Гончарова-Грабовская, Минск 1999
"Теория и практика лексикографии поэтонимов : (на материале творчества А. С. Пушкина)", В. М. Калинкин, Донецк 1999
Wierzenia i idee sekciarskie w rosjoznawstwie polskim pierwszych dekad wieku XX
The paper discusses Karol Potkański’s study of Russia called Constantine and Methodius (1905) with reference to Tadeusz Nalepiński’s work The Spirit King of Russian. He’s coming!,Władysław Jabłonowski’s Around the Sphinx...
I wojna światowa i sposób jej przedstawienia na przykładzie opowiadania Maksima Hareckiego Litewski chutorek
Maksim Harecki introduced the subject of war to Belarusian literature. This story, analysed broadly, shows the consequences of the war for each party in the conflict. This is seen in the construction of the story, based...