Multifunctional semantic indication “in phrases” in the English axionomens structure


The purpose of the article is to investigate phrasal semantics of the English axionomens: life25, time24, order23, nature22, right21, grace20, spirit19, law18, love17, style16, soul16, mind15, art15, power14, wisdom13, will13, honour13, liberty12, authority12, freedom11, discipline10, knowledge10, logic10, mercy10, faith10, glory9, good9, virtue9, hope9, diligence9, consciousness8, science8, God8, fortune8, patience8, worship8, competence7, peace7, progress6, experience6, health5, initiative5, reliability4. The ability of words denoting values used in stable phases which are fixed in lexicographical explanations has been characterized. Additional generalized semes composed semantic structures of other axionomens of high and average degrees of polysemy have been revealed by phrasal contexts.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. В. Сорока


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How To Cite

Т. В. Сорока (2017). Multifunctional semantic indication “in phrases” in the English axionomens structure. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія», 29(1), 141-143.