Muzułmanie wobec świeckości Nigerii

Journal Title: Afryka - Year 2013, Vol 37, Issue


Secularism is the major issue that divides Nigerian Christians and Muslims. The debate on the term ‘secularism’ has been controversial for a century in Nigeria. It has been strongly manifested during the sessions of the Constitutional Drafting Committee which took place in the 1970s. The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria made provision in section 10 for the secularity of the country and at the same time made provision in section 38 for the protection of the fundamental right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Most Muslims refuse to accept the term ‘secular’ to describe the status of Nigeria, arguing that Islam does not discriminate between religious and secular affairs. This article explores various ways in which the term ‘secularism’ is perceived by Muslims. It also focuses on politics of the federal and state governments. According to some scholars, Nigeria’s constitutional secularity does not erect a wall of separation between religion and politics. Disbursing public funds to sponsor pilgrimages and religious programmes raises the assumption that Nigeria, in principle, is a secular state but in practice, a semi-secular state. The article also seeks to demonstrate the rise of Islamism as a challenge to secularism, the conflict between theocracy and secularism, as well as how secular democracy is being appropriated by the Islamists.¬¬

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Siwierska


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How To Cite

Ewa Siwierska (2013). Muzułmanie wobec świeckości Nigerii. Afryka, 37(), 16-44.