Nadaktywność strony pośrednio zajętej u pacjentów po udarze mózgu
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja w Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 6
Since the 1990s, the term „hyperactivity of the non-affected side” has been used in the neuroscience literature. However the term concerns the most often changes in human’s brain after stroke studied based on fMRI, PET or EEG examinations. These studies show the hyperactivity of the non-affected side as disturbances in the activity balance between the brain hemispheres. A clinical experience at a neurology ward allows to conclude that the hyperactivity of the non-affected side is a set of symptoms and behaviours of patients hospitalized due to stroke. The typical behaviours in the first hours of the acute phase require a precise treatment based on specific rules. This suggests that a proper and quick diagnosis of the hyperactivity of the non-affected side of patients that present this disturbance indeed is very important. The purpose of the article has been to present the issue of hyperactivity in terms of clinical physiotherapeutic experience considering the clinical picture of patients, patients examination, physiotherapeutic treatment and the differentiation of hyperactivity with other disturbances caused by the damage of the central nervous system.
Authors and Affiliations
mgr Agata Zdrowowicz, dr n. med. Jakub Stolarski, prof. dr hab. n. med. Jan Kochanowski
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