The article presents some fragments of the studies concerning archaic components, included in biblical lexis, still existing in contemporary Ukrainian and Russian languages. These two languages have coexisted and develop...
The image of the writer plays an important role in the publicist works of Ivan Bunin in 1920. It is the image of the author struggling against the Bolsheviks, and the image of those writers who helped the Bolsheviks prop...
Antoni Giza (1996). Narody wschodniosłowiańskie w opinii krakowskiego "Świata Słowiańskiego" 1905-1914. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Архаïзми серед споконвiчноï богословськоï фразеологiï
The article presents some fragments of the studies concerning archaic components, included in biblical lexis, still existing in contemporary Ukrainian and Russian languages. These two languages have coexisted and develop...
Польшча на старонкax "Вольнай Беларусі"
Образ писателя в публицистике Ивана Бунина 1920 г.
The image of the writer plays an important role in the publicist works of Ivan Bunin in 1920. It is the image of the author struggling against the Bolsheviks, and the image of those writers who helped the Bolsheviks prop...
Замасковані біблійні пеpеспіви П. Кулішa : ("Бесіда старого розуму з недомыслом" і "Хуторянка")
Źródła i atrybucja nieznanego przekładu rosyjskiego kolędy "Nowy rok bieżący" przypisywanej św. Dymitrowi Rostowskiemu