Colonic Diverticulitis: Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Management
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 3
Diverticulosis or diverticular disease of having diverticula in the colon, more common in the sigmoid colon a common place for increased pressure. Prevalence of diverticular disease increases with age,30% over 45 years and 60% of those over 70 years, more prominent in western society. Advance age, constipation, low dietary fiber, the fiber theory is unproven, and connective tissue disorders are contributory factors in colonic diverticulosis. The diverticula formation thought to be caused by increased intraluminal pressure and weakening of bowel wall. Clinical manifestations of colonic diverticulosis include acute, uncomplicated or complicated diverticulosis. Diagnosis of acute diverticulitis mainly by clinical evaluation with other alternative conditions excluded. Plain films of abdomen, computed tomography (CT), contrast enema, endoscopy, and ultrasonographyare helpful in clinical diagnosis. Frequently isolated pathogens include Bacteroides spp, Peptostreptococcus, spp .Enterobacteriaceae,viridans streptococci,and enterococci. Therapy includes oral hydration and 7-10 days oral broad spectrum antibiotics. Surgical evaluation is indicated in patients with uncontrolled sepsis, generalized peritonitis, acute deterioration, persistent obstruction, and failure to respond to medical therapy
Authors and Affiliations
Murtaza Mustafa1 , Jayaram Menon2 , RK. Muniandy3 , MS. Rahman4 , SC. Shimmi5 , MM. Sien
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