Estimating Tax expenditures in Selected Countries
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 2
The main point of the paper is the analysis of methods of the tax expenditures estimation. Estimating the value of tax preferences is necessary to implement tax expenditures analysis and to show how big are real budget expenditures. In the literature authors enumerate three ways to measure tax preferences: initial revenue loss, final revenue loss and outlay equivalence. On the basis of an analysis of states experience of drafting tax expenditures reports, it can be said that the most popular method of estimating is the first one – initial revenue loss. It results from the relatively simple construction of this way to estimating tax preferences and making an assumption ceteris paribus. To show different variety of the initial revenue loss the practice of three countries was analyzed in the paper. Tax expenditures reports in the USA, Australia and Canada was made using different variations of initial revenue loss approach. Very important practice of analyzed reports is using, in some cases, two approaches for tax expenditures estimating. The reality of estimating is more realistic from year to year, because of the increasing data availability.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Wyszkowski
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