International Bancassurance Models versus Planned Regulatory Changes on The Polish Market
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 4
This paper focuses on the key issues related to bancassurance models and international experience in the distribution of insurance products. Given the announced amendments to the legislation and the Financial Supervisory Com-mission recommendation, the current models of cooperation between banks and insurance companies in Poland are subject to change. Amendments to the law may result in such non-simultaneous occurrence of the bank as an agent and insurer entity due to a conflict of interest. Banks or insurance companies will not want to give up the cooperation, one possible scenario is the evolution of bancassurance activities to external entities (such as receiving commissions). The following sections will describe the development of models of cooperation between banks and insurance companies in Poland and the international experience of the distribution channel, which may indicate possible trends and solutions for the domestic market.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Pisarewicz
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