The Influence of Reconciliation of Work and Family on the Lithuanian Population’s Childbearing Intentions


 Using a wide array of theoretical and empirical studies and a national public opinion survey of Lithuanians (N=1031) of the reproductive age (18–45 y. o.) conducted in 2010–2011, within the framework of the project “Gender Inequality, Public Policy and the Future of Fertility in Lithuania,” the article examines the issue of work-life reconciliation in relation to women and men’s intentions to have children. The hypothesis was raised that the stronger conflict the respondents experience between work, family life and leisure, the less they intend to have children or more children in the future. However, the assumption that the childbearing intentions of individuals able to reconcile their work and family will be stronger than the childbearing intentions of those who do not manage to resolve the issue of work-family reconciliation was confirmed only partially in this analysis. One of the statistically significant relationships was opposite to the raised hypothesis: the more work interfered with family and leisure, the more probable that respondents (both men and women) ever intended to have more children. In explaining this statistically significant relationship, it is necessary to keep in mind the economic situation in Lithuania. As some research demonstrates, individuals that encounter economic insecurity and uncertain socioeconomic conditions and are unable to balance their work and family, often decide to center their lives on the private sphere and invest into children (it is particularly characteristic of women). Although the conducted analysis does not allow us to make broader and more definite conclusions about the relationship between the work and family reconciliation, gender equality and fertility, it prompts us to suggest that perhaps the developed and comprehensive family policy may mitigate the negative impact of economic insecurity on fertility in a transitional economy.

Authors and Affiliations

Artūras Tereškinas, Giedrė Purvaneckienė


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How To Cite

Artūras Tereškinas, Giedrė Purvaneckienė (2012).  The Influence of Reconciliation of Work and Family on the Lithuanian Population’s Childbearing Intentions. KultŁ«ra ir visuomenė. SocialiniŁ³ tyrimŁ³ Ł¾urnalas, 3(1), 51-67.