Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Cheek: A Case Report - - - Nekrotizujući fasciitis obraza: prikaz slučaja
Journal Title: Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis - Year 2017, Vol 34, Issue 3
The term necrotizing fasciitis (NF) was first used by Wilson in 1952, who described this rare, however, pro-gressive infection that primarily affects the fascia and subcutaneous tissues. Necrotizing fasciitis may affect any part of the body; however, it usually appears on the extremities. The most common microorganisms isolated in NF are Staphylococcus aureus, group A Streptococci, and Escherichia Coli. We are presenting the case of a sixty-seven-year old woman, who was admitted for the perforation of painful edema of the left cheek. Clinical examination of the anterior two-thirds of the left cheek revealed a defect of the full thickness of the skin, 3x4 cm in size. During the patient’s hospitalization she was treated by parenterally administered broad-spectrum antibiotics, necrotomy, fasciotomy of the cheek and the extraction of the remaining roots in the 3rd and 4th quadrant. Necrotic fasciitis is a rare, rapidly progressive infection of soft tissues, which, if untimely diagnosed and treated, may be life-threatening. The prognosis of treatment depends on the early recognition of the disease. It is treated with aggressive surgical debridement followed by antibiotic therapy. - - - Termin nekrotizujući fasciitis (NF) prvi put je koristio Vilson 1952. godine, koji je opisao ovu retku progresivnu infekciju koja prvenstveno utiče na fasciju i potkožna tkiva. Nekrotizujući fasciitis može uticati na bilo koji deo tela; međutim, obično se pojavljuje na ekstremitetima. Najčešći mikroorganizmi izolovani u NF su Staphilococcus aureus, Streptococci grupe A i Escherichia Coli. Predstavljamo slučaj žene stare šezdeset i sedam godina, koja je primljena zbog perforacije bolnog edema levog obraza. Kliničkim pregledom prednje dve treć ine levog obraza otkriven je nedostatak punih debljina kože, veličine 3x4 cm. Tokom hospitalizacije lečena je parenteralno administriranim antibioticima širokog spektra, nekrotomijom, fasciotomijom obraza i ekstrakcijom preostalih korena u III i IV kvadrantu. Nekrotični fasciitis je retka, brza, progresivna infekcija mekih tkiva, koja, ako se blagovremeno ne dijagnostikuje i leči, može biti opasna po život. Prognoza lečenja zavisi od ranog prepoznavanja bolesti. Leči se agresivnim hirurškim debridmanom prać enim antibiotskom terapijom
Authors and Affiliations
Vojkan Lazić, Dragan Krasić, Miloš Trajković, Nikola Živković, Milan Spasić
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