Neuropsychological cognitive hypothesis of antidepressant drug action – literature review

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2010, Vol 44, Issue 6


Summary Depression is a state characterised by the psychobiological symptoms included in the international classifications. People suffering from depression, apart from the primary and auxiliary symptoms of this disorder, have specific emotional-cognitive schemas. They tend to interpret a neutral sign as a negative one more often. According to some researchers, using antidepressants can change an “automatic” way of interpretation of a negative information. These authors describe two stages of an antidepressant drug effect. The first phase depends on a direct drug effect. The second one requires some positive experiences and reinforcements. The later activity of antidepressant drugs is an effect of an interval between a direct influence on emotional data processing and a later indirect influence on a mood. The drug activity follows a way from the automatic to conscious brain processes. The cognitive treatment influence „up down” on the emotional data processing through the effects connected with conscious evaluation of the signs and experiences.

Authors and Affiliations

Sławomir Murawiec, Anna Mosiołek


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How To Cite

Sławomir Murawiec, Anna Mosiołek (2010). Neuropsychological cognitive hypothesis of antidepressant drug action – literature review. Psychiatria Polska, 44(6), 871-880.