Neuroscience and the Ontology of Law
Journal Title: Polish Law Review - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1
The goal of the paper is to consider the possible impact of the discoveries in cognitive neuroscience on legal ontology. First, it is argued that - contrary to some popular claims - social ontology is not a priori in relation to neuroscience. Second, the question of how culture in general, and law in particular, is possible, is answered from the perspective of the cognitive sciences. The answer is based on an evolutionary scenario, which explains the emergence of stable patterns of behaviour within human communities. Finally, the problem of the ‘nature of law’ is addressed. It is argued that the picture of the evolution of culture sketched by the cognitive sciences provides an explanation why there exists no single, proper definition of law.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Brożek
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