New modification of Reynwald macroglossia reduction
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 6
SUMMARY Introduction: Macroglossia usually occurs as isolated malformation, however it can coexist with some of the hereditary defect. Enlargement of the tongue can cause cosmetic and functional difficulties. The aim of this paper was to analyzed patients with macroglossia operated with own modified Reynwald method. It was based on analysis of surgical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with: Down syndrome, oral-facial-digital syndrome and cerebral palsy, treated at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Medical University of Lodz. Material and methods: 63 patients (32 females and 31 males) with Down syndrome (60), oral-facial-digital syndrome (2) and cerebral palsy (1) were operated at the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Medical University of Lodz, because of hypertrophy of the tongue. 42 patients were operated with partial resection of macroglossia, 2 of them with additional correction of the tongue border and 21 patients with own modified Reynwald method. Results: Postoperative treatment was non-complicated in all the patients. Early and long-lasting postoperative results were regard as satisfactory, and lead to improvement of basic physiological functions. Conclusions. 1.3-6 years are the optimal age to partial macroglossia reduction. 2. Analyze of surgical macroglossia treatment showed effectiveness of methods based on partial resection of tongue. Surgical treatment with own modified Reynwald method lead to increase of number of satisfied postoperative results. 3. Partia) resection of macroglossia influence on patients look, integration and environment acceptance; in children with deep retardation it simplify nursing.
Authors and Affiliations
Daria Sobieszek, Edward Lewandowicz, Aleksandra Iljin
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