Nidra- A Psychosomatic Approach
Journal Title: EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR) - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 6
Sleep one amoug the tripods of life. The health benifits attributed to it varies from a happy and healthy life to death. Eventhough the physiology is not fully explored; these benifits of sleep can be explained in terms the effects on quality of life, immune system, reproductive system etc.These evidences heps tho explore the psychosomatic reach of sleep in a better way.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Prathibha C K
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Nidra- A Psychosomatic Approach
Sleep one amoug the tripods of life. The health benifits attributed to it varies from a happy and healthy life to death. Eventhough the physiology is not fully explored; these benifits of sleep can b...