NIEDOSTOSOWANIE SPOŁECZNE – POJĘCIA I RODZAJE Social maladjustment – concepts and types
Journal Title: Czasopismo Pedagogiczne/The Journal of Pedagogy - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 5
A phenomenon of social maladjustment should be assessed through a more general problem of adjustment, i.e. human relation with the environment, which shows the complexity, multiple layers, universality and a broad semantic scope of the term. Long-term maladjustment leads to frustration. Refusing to accept maladjustment and not implementing any preventive measures on time only increases the risk of social maladjustment. Social maladjustment is not equivalent to crime, although crime is most often the final stage of maladjustment. On the other hand, maladjustment includes many manifestations of deviation and social pathology, which constitute a violation of moral and moral norms, are not included, and are not legally prohibited. It has a negative influence on the process of education and the execution of life plans and expectations. The life and quality of an individual human being should be the primary motive for preventive actions, as well as the interest of the whole society as its protection serves all human beings.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Leśniak, Jakubek Marzena
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