Nieznane świadectwa święceń Stanisława z Kowala w diecezji kujawskiej


The article analyzes two accounts of the holy orders received by Stanisław of Kowal, a priest from the Włocławek diocese, at the end of the 15th century. The original documents including the content of the accounts have not been preserved – we are familiar only with their copies, which were recorded in the files of the General Consistory of Włocławek. The first account was prepared in Cracow on 29 September 1493. It includes the information about Stanisław being ordained to acolyte by the suffragan bishop of Cracow Paweł. The other account was written in the chancery of the bishop of Chełm Maciej. It reads that in 1494 the bishop Maciej granted Stanisław of Kowal all higher holy orders. The “source annex” enclosed to the main part of the work constitutes the edition of both sources discussed in the article.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Kaczmarek


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  • EP ID EP293207
  • DOI 10.15762/ZH.2017.50
  • Views 35
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How To Cite

Krzysztof Kaczmarek (2017). Nieznane świadectwa święceń Stanisława z Kowala w diecezji kujawskiej. Zapiski Historyczne. Poświęcone Historii Pomorza i Krajów Bałtyckich, 82(4), 111-121.