Nominations of general taxes from the population in the Middle Ukrainian language of the ХVІ–ХVІІ centuries.


This paper focuses on one aspect of historical language. The nominations of general taxes in the Middle Ukrainian language of the ХVІ–ХVІІ centuries are considered. Some questions about the history of tax names have been studied by scholars including I. Kernytsky, T. Krehno, O. Chorna. A fragmentary description of taxes in the composition of socio-economic vocabulary was carried out in separate writings by P. Bilousenko, T. Dyachuk, E. Laniuk, V. Rusanivsky, G. Chornovil. However, there is still no comprehensive work on the history of Ukrainian taxes, which would be comprehensively studied according to the chronology of the formation of the lexical-semantic group “general taxes” as part of the late Middle Ukrainian language of the 17th and 18th centuries. The article gives a detailed analysis of words which represent the nominations of general taxes in the ХVІ–ХVІІ centuries. Groups of tax names are described in chronology. Nominations of general taxes from the population are the denominations which indicate obligatory, systematic, regulated fees from taxpayers in favor of authorized state tax structures. The names of cash taxes and personal taxes on taxpayers and taxes on total profits in the peasantry are fixed among the general taxes on the population. The analysis of the names of general taxes of the late Middle Ukrainian language in the 17th and 18th centuries testifies to the functioning of the Old Russian-Ukrainian and early Middle Ukrainian periods in the language and the emergence of new words formed on the basis of the Common Slavic language fund, etc. Under the influence of international trade and economic relations, the language was replenished by borrowings from the Polish and Russian languages. Other types of tax nominations, which are accumulating in the memos of the specified period, require complex analysis and represent further research aspects.

Authors and Affiliations

К. Б. Рибак


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How To Cite

К. Б. Рибак (2018). Nominations of general taxes from the population in the Middle Ukrainian language of the ХVІ–ХVІІ centuries.. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 10(), 126-130.