Not only phobia. Psychodynamic diagnosis of adolescent patients avoiding school
Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2010, Vol 152, Issue 1
The article is devoted to the issue of avoiding or abandoning school by adolescent patients who attend ambulatory psychotherapy. In part, it is a polemic against the overused diagnosis of „school phobia”. Using ego psychology and object – relation theory as the basic frame of reference, the author proposes four diagnostic „paths” allowing to understand and treat these patients. These are: 1) adolescents dominated by neurotic anxiety and defence mechanisms (including phobic mechanisms), 2) patients with depressive mechanisms and fears , 3) antisocial personality development and 4) immature patients (including narcissistic vulnerability and separation anxiety).
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Glita
[b]Sprawozdanie z II Światowego Kongresu Resilience „Od osoby do społeczeństwa” The Second World Congress on Resilience — „From Person to Society”[/b]
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