Nowe rodziny szlacheckie w ziemi wieluńskiej w 2 połowie XV w. i początkach XVI w. (uwagi i spostrzeżenia)

Journal Title: Rocznik Wieluński - Year 2015, Vol 15, Issue


In the article there are discussed several issues concerning Wieluń district nobility in the second half of the XV and in the beginnings of the XVI century. Author wonders if, by mistake of the writer, the fictional figure of Marcin Śliwiński – the Wieluń’s ensign – is not enlisted in district officials’ lists. He shows origins of Andrzej Dunda of Kotlin and Biała and his long-term disputes over tenure in the Biała village. Andrzej was a nephew of Mikołaj Dunda of Biała and he got from him a third part of the goods. He also sets the ancestors of Benedykt Wiktorowski coats of arms Griffin (Gryf), the judge in Wieluń and Sieradz districts.

Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Nowak


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How To Cite

Tadeusz Nowak (2015). Nowe rodziny szlacheckie w ziemi wieluńskiej w 2 połowie XV w. i początkach XVI w. (uwagi i spostrzeżenia). Rocznik Wieluński, 15(), -.