Nowy głos w sprawie dziesięciowiekowego sporu. Rec.: Urszula Cierniak, „Wiara i władza. Wokół sporu o katolicyzm i chrześcijańską Europę w dziewiętnastowiecznej myśli i literaturze rosyjskiej”, Częstochowa 2013
Journal Title: Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue
The New Voice of Ten-Century’s Dispute. Review of: Urszula Cierniak, Faith and Power. Conflicts Surrounding Catholicism and Christian Europe in the 19th-Century Russian Thought and Literature, Częstochowa 2013 Urszula Cierniak’s book Faith and Power. On the Dispute on Catholicism in Christian Europe in the Nineteenth Century Russian Thought and Literature (Częstochowa 2013), analysed in this review, is devoted to the East-West polemic. This conflict has a long history. It does not concern only political and economic issues, but also religious or, broadly speaking, cultural ones. Cierniak’s work is a fundamental reading for those, who desire to enrich their knowledge of the 19th century religious conflicts. This book will encourage the readers to undertake further research on relations between the Orthodox and Catholic Church, as well as on the reconsideration of the Vatican-Moscow relations. Everyone, who wants to explore the subject of tense Polish-Russian/Catholic-Orthodox relations, should reach for this book.
Authors and Affiliations
Łukasz Zabielski
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