Barwne ok(n)o w listach Stanisława Wyspiańskiego do Lucjana Rydla z 1890 roku


In the letters Wyspiański wrote to Rydel, written during his 1890 trip along the trail of medieval cathedrals, stained glass windows occupy a special place. Researchers of the artist's correspondence unanimously stress the importance of Wyspiański’s studying stained glass window, but they do not devote too much attention to the matter. The article is intended to rectify this. In Wyspiański’s correspondence, stained glass window undergo various creative transformations. Among the most interesting implementation of the subject stand out the strongly metaphorised or symbolically charged image variations (they can be called poetic figures, images, symbols, metaphors, or metaphorical syntagmata), and they are: stained glass-nocturne (Notre-Dame de Chartres), stained glass-tapestry/fabric (Notre-Dame de Reims), stained glass-tale (Notre-Dame de Rouen), stained glass-crystal (Notre-Dame de Rouen, Sainte-Chapelle), and the subject of this sketch: a stained glass window referring to the eye metaphor.

Authors and Affiliations

Rozalia Wojkiewicz


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  • EP ID EP331269
  • DOI 10.18318/wiekxix.2016.12
  • Views 71
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How To Cite

Rozalia Wojkiewicz (2016). Barwne ok(n)o w listach Stanisława Wyspiańskiego do Lucjana Rydla z 1890 roku. Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza, 0(), 213-232.