The article deals with problems of contrastive stylistics in Ukrainian and Polish languages.
The analysed words are of the same origin but have diff erent stylistic meaning in
the aforementioned languages. The diff erenc...
There has been given the modern interpretation of literary dialogue between the Ukrainian
writer Mykola Kulish and the Russian writer Myhailo Bulhakov which was started
almost a century ago but it wasn’t grasped in full...
The article is devoted to an associative analysis of connotative strategies of sibilants
in the Ukrainian poetic discourse of the 20th-21st centuries. The dominance of consonants
[ж], [ш], [д͡ж], and [ч] in the sound mat...
Katarzyna Jakubowska-Krawczyk (2015). O współczesnym malarstwie monumentalnym. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 3(),
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Проблеми контрастивної стилістики української та польської мов
The article deals with problems of contrastive stylistics in Ukrainian and Polish languages. The analysed words are of the same origin but have diff erent stylistic meaning in the aforementioned languages. The diff erenc...
Profesor Michał Łesiów (1928-2016)
Літературна дуель Булгакова і Куліша з позиції сьогодення
There has been given the modern interpretation of literary dialogue between the Ukrainian writer Mykola Kulish and the Russian writer Myhailo Bulhakov which was started almost a century ago but it wasn’t grasped in full...
Конотаційні стратегії шиплячих приголосних у відображенні мовної картини світу (на матеріалі українського поетичного дискурсу ХХ-ХХІ ст.)
The article is devoted to an associative analysis of connotative strategies of sibilants in the Ukrainian poetic discourse of the 20th-21st centuries. The dominance of consonants [ж], [ш], [д͡ж], and [ч] in the sound mat...
O współczesnym malarstwie monumentalnym