Об’єкт злочину в доктрині кримінального права
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 83, Issue 3
У статті проаналізовано основні концепції та теорії об’єкта злочину. Досліджено наукові розробки, спрямовані на критичне переосмислення традиційних підходів до визначення об’єкта злочину як суспільних відносин. Окреслено авторське бачення розуміння об’єкта злочину. Визначено, що права й свободи в усіх випадках виступають загальним об’єктом злочину. Конкретні права чи свободи (або їхня сукупність, а в деяких випадках права та свободи певної групи осіб) виступають родовим або безпосереднім об’єктом злочину. In the article the basic concepts and theories of the object of crime are analyzed. Scientific developments devoted to critical rethinking of traditional approaches to definition of the object of a crime as social relations are researched. It is noted that it is inappropriate to determine the object of crime solely social relations. The author's vision of understanding the object of crime is outlined. It is determined that it is necessary to talk about the rights and freedoms of human and citizen as an object of a crime. At the same time, these rights and freedoms should be so necessary for coexistence that, in absence of the possibility to protect them by other means, the state ensures their inviolability by imposing criminal punishment for infringement of them. According to the author, such an understanding of the object of crime, firstly, allows to realize fully new ideas and principles on which the constitutional state and civil society should be based – «service of the state to the interests of human through the primary provision of rights and freedoms»; secondly, it complies with the current legislation (the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine). It is emphasized that certain rights, as the object of criminal law protection, have directly been reflected in criminal legislation, for example, the right to work, the right to education, the right to free medical care. Other rights and freedoms are reflected in the criminal legislation indirectly. For example, protection of the proclaimed right of person to own, use and dispose of its property is ensured through the establishment of criminal liability for crimes against property in the Chapter VI of the Criminal Code (although foremost, in the case of encroachment on property, damage is not caused to property, but the right of a person to property is violated); protection of the right to an environment that is safe for life and health is ensured through the establishment of criminal liability for crimes against environment; the human right to life – by establishing criminal liability for crimes against life of a person. It is summarized that rights and freedoms are, in all cases, the object of criminal law protection and serve as the general object of a crime. Specific rights or freedoms (or their set, and in some cases, the rights and freedoms of certain group of persons, in particular when crimes against national security of Ukraine are committed) are the generic or direct object of a crime (the right to life, health, work, housing, safe living conditions in general, etc.).
Authors and Affiliations
Т. А. Павленко
Покарання за злочини проти основ суверенітету українського народу (ст. ст. 109, 110 КК України): проблеми, тенденції, перспективи
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