Принцип цивільного права – форма вираження ідеї свободи фізичної особи


Статтю присвячено обґрунтуванню низки наукових положень, спрямованих на розуміння ідеї свободи фізичної особи в цивільному праві та її трансформації в принцип свободи фізичної особи. Актуальність зазначеної теми обґрунтовується перспективами адаптації національного законодавства до законодавства ЄС та змінами в методології права. Ці зміни ґрунтуються на філософії приватного права, яке орієнтує на юридично-філософський підхід до аналізу питання. На підставі проведеного аналізу сформулювано певні висновки щодо юридичного значення принципу свободи фізичної особи. The article is devoted to scientific substantiation of provisions aimed at understanding the idea of individual freedom in civil law and its transformation in the principle of freedom of the individual. The question of individual freedom as a civil category, in our opinion, is important for several reasons. First, as a possible direction of adapting the provisions of civil legislation with European countries and as a condition to the eligibility criteria for EU membership. Second, as a reflection of the doctrine of social development. In the theoretical aspect of the question of the relationship between the concepts of "idea" and "principles". In general scientific discussion about the value of these concepts comes down to identification of the scientists mentioned concepts, or the denial of such identity. We share the view of those authors who consider the category of "principle" as a form of expression of ideas. This indicates that in its concept of "idea" is broader than "principle". Consequently, the ratio of the concepts of "principle" and "idea" indicates that the idea is regarded as a category, which is the content of the principle, that determines its nature. First of all, talking about the relationship between content and form. In the epistemological aspect of the concept of "principle" is a category that specifies the concept of "idea". One of the ways of expressing the idea of individual freedom in civil law, we consider the principle of freedom of the individual. Using the concepts of "individual freedom" and "Principles of Civil Law" defined the role and place of civil law in civil society. This kind of factor that unites them. Accordingly, characterizes the state of freedom of the individual in society as a fundamental value determines the direction of regulation of civil relations. The principle that encompasses the meaning of the idea of freedom of an individual, is the external form of consolidation, which is able to be implemented in the mechanism of legal regulation. The freedom of an individual has a legal basis - the constitutional principle of freedom, the common principle of social freedom, the liberal concept of human rights. This creates the appropriate legal possibilities for implementation, protection and freedom of the individual and adapting civil legislation of Ukraine in matters of the company, intellectual property, contractual relations, consumer protection, health and life, etc. EU legislation. The principle of freedom of an individual is influenced by socio-economic, political and ideological factors. Based on the said it could be considered in civil law as a foundation for further democratic development of the mechanism of civil and moral regulation of property relations. Adherence to this principle is one of the main objectives of the State to which it should aspire in all areas of its activity.

Authors and Affiliations

Людмила Миколаївна Загоруй


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Людмила Миколаївна Загоруй (2017). Принцип цивільного права – форма вираження ідеї свободи фізичної особи. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 78(2), 222-230. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416897