Obowiązki profesjonalnego pełnomocnika w świetle nowelizacji Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego z dnia 10 lipca 2015 r.
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2017, Vol 13, Issue 4
On July 10, 2015, lawmakers passed the Act Amending the Civil Code, Civil Procedure Code, and Certain Other Acts, which went into effect on September 8, 2016. The above-mentioned amendment imposes new obligations on professional representatives, mainly in the area of granting the power and authority to appear before courts, as well as filing and serving pleadings. Firstly, the article focuses on the issue of power of attorney granted to handle a case, in particular the distinction between power of attorney and authorization, the stamp duty on powers of attorney, and the granting of substitute powers of attorney. Subsequently, the article discusses the choice of method for filing pleadings, i.e. by using the ICT system or a traditional manner, as well as withdrawal from the choice of the ICT system. The author further presents the technical aspects of filing a pleading via the ICT system, including the pleading’s introduction into this system, the signing of pleading, and the payment of stamp duty, etc. The third and final part of the article concerns serving pleadings, namely the terms of electronic service and service between legal professionals.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Wasylkowska-Michór
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