Obszary integracji giełdowych rynków akcji w krajach muzułmańskich, Areas of stock markets integration in Islamic countries
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 0
Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polskim. Islamic capital market is an integral component of the global Islamic financial system. Malaysia and GCC region are centers of financial activities which are in compliance with the Shari'ah prin- ciples. There is a need for a more intensive international co-ordination of regulatory approaches and consolidation of the Islamic finance industry to achieve well-functioning and efficient capital market. Such organizations as IFSB, AAOIFI provide guidance to OIC capital market regulators, but there are problems with its implementation.
Authors and Affiliations
Dariusz Piotrowski
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