Obywatele versus nieobywatele – rzecz o demokracji na Łotwie
Journal Title: Gdańskie Studia Międzynarodowe - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 1
Freedom of the speech is the guiding principle of democracy and it’s a result is freedom of the media. The author points out that the idea of independence of the press in relation to the media in Latvia is a highly controversial conception. This article presents the structure of ethnic groups which form the society of Latvia. It was noted that the order of precedence of events presented in the media in Latvia is shaped according to the interests of group representing those media. It was noted that the co‑existence of the Russian‑speaking minority and the Latvian citizens is not easy. The public opinion of the citizens and non‑citizens of Latvia occupy a very different problems. This situation is illustrated by the controversy with the procedure for granting Latvian citizenship. As is clear from the article, in Latvia we have to deal with two media systems that represent different interests in society. A compromise between this two groups seems to be impossible now.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Kamińska-Moczyło
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